While browsing the web this weekend I came accross this organization known as Sistas Organizing to Survive (SOS)
Sistas Organizing to Survive (SOS) is the grassroots mobilization of black women in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Launched on June 20, 2008, SOS encourages black women living in Florida to get tested where they live, work, play, and worship. Since its launch, eight local SOS conferences have been conducted, 7544 people have taken the online pledge, and over 100,000 black women in Florida were tested in 2010.
The SOS initiative focuses on the following endeavors:
- To educate black women about HIV/AIDS and how other STDs, hepatitis and substance abuse increase their risk.
- To empower black women to take charge of and control their sexual health.
- To connect black women to HIV/AIDS resources.
- To offer tools that enable black women to educate others where they live, work, play, and worship.
They have a conference every year and last year conference was in Fort Lauderdale. "The conference is designed to educate women about the impact of HIV/AIDS and develop an
action plan that prevents the further spread of HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases
(STDS) among Black women in Broward County. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss
this issue with doctors, community providers and other health professionals who are experts in the
treatment of and education about HIV/AIDS, STDs, human sexuality, and the provision of mental
health services" (Sistas Organizing to Survive and APA, 2010).
(2010, April 26). Sistas Organizing to Survive (SOS) Education and Empowerment Conference Schedule for Thursday, May 6, 2010. Retreived from http://browardchd.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=4LcYUHAe8Io%3D&tabid=113
Did You Know!!!!
There are people out there who still think that straight people don't get HIV. I am sorry to say but if someone tells me that I'll ask him if he or she have been leaving under a rock for the past decades. I know people don't want to talk about it much but I think they should at least know how common it is and how fast it is spreading. According to the Well Project "The majority of HIV positive people worldwide are heterosexual. Risk is not about labeling people; it is about behavior" (The Well Project and APA, 2010).
The Well Project. (2010, July). Myths about HIV. Retrieved from http://www.thebody.com/content/whatis/art58887.html
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