Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog 8- What a week!!!

 Ladadee, Haiti- picture taking by Lydie Joseph

THE WEEK AFTER SPRING!!!! Can I say disaster!!!! Good thing I had fun in the cruise. I met a lot interesting people and plenty of vitamin D. I was feeling great until I get back in Orlando last Sunday night and found out that my house lock was change and i had to come up with a grand to get in. The funny part about the story is that security or whoever was in charge made a mistake and evicted the wrong person.  So I had to crash at a friend house that night because the person in charge wasn't in until the next day. Yes, I know life can be so unfair to the innocent.

When I came back from the cruise last weekend, there was a rumor going around that one of my childhood friend is HIV positive. We've lost contact since I've moved to Orlando last year, so I don't know if I should call her and ask or wait until she tells me? I want to be there for her if the rumors are true but I don't want to break the little we have left of our friend if the rumors are false. I am so confused!!!! For right now, I'll just act like I didn't hear anything. It's probably safer.

Bathing after sex can prevent HIV and Aids!!!
This myth was first emerged in 2006 during the rape trial of South African President Jacob Zuma who stated that he took a bath after he had knowing had unprotected sexual relation with an infected woman.  According to the counselling manager of the National Aids Helpline, Hope Mhlongo, the president's statement created a lot of confusion throughout the nation.
The South African HIV Clinicians Society hopes to reduce the damage by reiterating that:

  • The most effective protection from HIV that a person can use during sex is the correct and consistent use of condoms;

  • Showering or bathing will not prevent HIV transmission and in the case of women, douching (washing of the vagina) may even increase the risk of HIV transmission;

  • Not using safe-sex practices, including the use of a condom when one has multiple sexual partners, shows reckless disregard for your partners' health; and

  • All South Africans who are sexually active should find out their HIV status regularly. It is taking responsibility for your own health (Green and Gordin, 2006).

  • Green, J. and Gordin, J. (2006, April 10). Zuma's 'Shower Theory' Causing Confusion. Retreived from

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