Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blog 7- Spring Break is Here!!!!!!

Hey Guys,
                I hope everyone is as excited as I am for Sprint Break. Yay!!!! I am counting down the days.  Monday around this time, I'll be on a ship cruising to Labadee, Haiti and Jamaica. I can't wait, I know I'll have a lot of fun. BUT... it also reminded me of the scenario from the QOTW#2. So, I'll minize my drinks to two cups per day instead of my regular six cups.
In regard of this week QOTW, I found that "the White House Office of National AIDS Policy's official strategy aims to reduce new infections by 25 percent in five years through better education and screening among higher risk populations, including young people" (HIV: Myths Persist and APA, 2011)."Thirty-four states and the District of Columbia already require schools to provide HIV/AIDS instruction, although these laws vary, according to the Guttmacher Institute" (HIV: Myths Persist and APA, 2011).

One-third of all new HIV infections occur in young people between the ages of 13 and 29. And according to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll in 2009, nearly 30 percent believed  that HIV is spread through water in a swimming pool or by sharing a drinking glass. "The National AIDS strategy recommends schools improve current education by providing accurate and more age-appropriate information about the biological aspects of the infection. The office promotes programs that cover abstaining, delaying or limiting sexual activity but that also ensure sexually active young people know how to protect themselves" (HIV: Myths Persist and APA, 2011).

HIV: Myths Persist. (2011). State Legislatures, 37(1), 11. Retrieved from


  1. Haha funny post about Spring Break. Limiting your cups per day made me laugh. You never know what can happen on a cruise! Have fun over Spring Break!

    -Alex Schaal

  2. Looking at the chart in the DYI, I would have thought the 60+ rates would have been higher (not lower). Good info! Now go have fun on your trip, and of safe!

  3. Enjoy your cruise!
    Naiara Rodriguez
