This is like my third online class and it feels like I've never been in one before. I can honestly and shamefully say that I am extremely confuse in this class so far, and I kind of have an idea why? Like I said before, this is my third online class and the previous ones were extremely easy and the works load were a lot less. I think I kind of underestimate this class as the others and waited at the last minutes to do my works. And yes!!!Teach and Linda had warned us about it but as you can see, I didn't listen. But as far as the disease goes, I am an certified nursing assistant so I had to undergo a lot of trainings on HIV and AIDS and I've been in contact with some HIV patients, so I am some what more confortable and understanding of the disease now. But humanly I am kind of scared, especially by the amount of cases of death reported each year due to the disease. It makes you wonder if anyone is safe!!!!! This first week alone I learned that if I want to pass this class, I need to stop procrastinating. As the semester progress, I feel like each week my knowledge on the HIV disease will increase profondly that if caring a conversation with my family and friends that HIV will be in my top list of subject to talk about.
Did You Know????
In many countried in South Africa, the citizens blame witchcraft for the increase of deaths caused by HIV and AIDS. "UNAIDS estimated that 250,000 people died of AIDS in South Africa during 1999. City officials in Durban and Johannesburg announced in May that the number of deaths in 1999 was more than twice that of five years earlier. They predicts that the death rate will continue to rise at 20% per year". They encounter that it is very difficult for healthcare workers to educate the citizens on how to avoid the disease.
South Africa allow HIV to get out of hand. They refused to let antiretrovirals into the county, claiming that poverty was to blame and not the virus, HIV. They are about 10 years behind due to the inactivity of the leaders. Mandela didn't do anything even though he lost a son to HIV. Mebiki believed the HIV denialists who said how can a syndrome cause a disease. Although I don't agree with the method, the question was a valid one.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to be successful with HIV prevention education you have to understand the underlying issues that play a part of that person's life. Fix those and you will have better success. If starving is the primary issue, feed them and then you can talk about HIV and what it does. If getting work is the underlying issue, get them a job and then you can talk to them about a virus and its potential to impact their life.