Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blog 2- How HIV Becomes Aids

Hello everyone,
                          Throughout my research I found  a lot of informations on HIV and AIDS that I thought everyone should know. I found a perfect video that will trace steps by steps how HIV turns into AIDS and some of the stuffus they are saying are actually some of our assignments.

In Sub-Saharan African the most trusted style of treatment is trough traditinal hearlers. "Traditional healers rely on medicinal herbs and some also on spiritual powers to heal illness"(Sehovic, 2010). Many traditional healres claimed that their "concoction of herbs and plant material can cure HIV"(Sehovic, 2010) and that they were reveal to them by their ancestor in their dreams.
Sehovic, Annamarie Bindenagel . (2010, April 30). Myths, Mysteries and Medicine in Fighting HIV and AIDS. Retrieved from



  1. The video you posted is very helpful as we are learning about HIV and AIDS.. I had an idea before starting class about AIDS and HIV.. but since being in this class its getting a lot more clearer being able to tell the difference..

  2. That was a really helpful video. It contained many defining features of HIV that I did not know about and also included information about our Assignment #2.

    The article you linked was pretty interesting. I'm probably wouldn't consider herbal treatment plans based on the lack of scientific support behind it. But it shouldn't be absolutely ruled out as it may indeed lead to more conclusive discoveries in research.

  3. Please don't have the video take the place of your general blog. It should supplement it. I expect to see comments each wee from every student. If nothing happened in class or you have writers block, then turn to the internet and research a story that caught your attention.

    Traditional healers are used because it is less expensive than antiretroviral drugs. Many of the drugs we have today came from plants and herbs, so to ignore their potential would be foolhardy.
